SOWFIT Youth Platinum Strategy

SPEED TRAINING. CONDITIONING. SPORT SPECIFIC DRILLS. FLEXBILITY, MOBILITY, NUTRITION PLANNING, RECOVERY EDUCATION. This is SOWFIT's most comprehensive strategy available where we work together to help you reach your physique goals with a 12-week game plan. Ideal for track, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, tackle football, flag football, polo. volleyball & pickleball athletes. This package is exclusive to a limited number of clients where I create a fully personalized strategy to your lifestyle, sport, resources and preferences.

Plan Includes

  • This strategy includes: 2-3 one-hour workout sessions per week, access to flexibility stretches for a total of 12 weeks, a 3-day meal plan, 1 complimentary cryotherapy session at midpoint (6 weeks) & lastly a complimentary massage at 12 weeks completion.

Select Plan
12 weeks

One Time Payment






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